Queen's Knights Unit Guide

Unit Details

  • Season 17: Avalon
  • Acquisition: Seasonal Challenges
  • Type: Melee Infantry - Buckler Shield
  • Era: Golden Era

The 'Queen's Knights,' an informal group in Camelot's court, consist mostly of unproven young knights aspiring to join the Round Table. Often acting independently, they strive to impress the court and Queen Guinevere, pushing themselves to demonstrate their valor in hopes of gaining her approval. This group, known for its boisterous young members, was the starting point for legendary figures like Lancelot and Galahad. In battle, these aspiring knights display courage equal to the esteemed Round Table knights.

Expert swordsmen, the Queen's Knights excel in one-on-one combat, using their swords and shields to block attacks and deliver powerful piercing strikes. Their fighting style, characterized by a lighter armor and a duelling sword, sets them apart, allowing for swift, precise combat. Their agility is their strength, but their light armor is a vulnerability. They have a special skill that grants temporary invulnerability, followed by a fencing move to overpower opponents.

Core Unit Statistics

Basic Attributes
Health 6,795 Strength (Units) 24
Leadership 295 Speed 5.50
Range 0 Ammo 0
Labour 3.36 Max Level 30
Combat Proficiency
Piercing AP 1,933 Piercing DMG 1,532 Piercing DEF 702
Slashing AP 0 Slashing DMG 0 Slashing DEF 637
Blunt AP 486 Blunt DMG 631 Blunt DEF 466
Terrain Effects
Desert Plains Hills Steppe Urban
Bad Good Bad Bad Great


  • Dispersed - The unit forms a spread-out square formation to lessen the impact of ranged attacks.
  • Block - A dense formation intended to enhance the unit's defences.

Unit Kit Crafting

Unit Kit Recipe

Queen's Knights Kit
Fief Level Req.: 6
Cost: 200

8 Pure Iron
8 Pure Copper

9 Boiled Leather
5 Minium

Eagle Range (NA) Crafting Locations:
Fief Region Fief Level Availability
Chao Feng Borderlands 6 Available
Qiu Niu Borderlands 6 Available
Abalus Borderlands 2 Fief Level Too Low
Cuscauri Anadolou 2 Fief Level Too Low
Shoujing Borderlands 2 Fief Level Too Low
Walewein Borderlands 2 Fief Level Too Low
Magu Borderlands 1 Fief Level Too Low
Tzsum Borderlands 1 Fief Level Too Low

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By: Foghladha of Gaiscioch | Last Update: December 6th, 2023