Sipahis Unit Guide

Unit Details

  • Season 3: Blood of the Empire
  • Acquisition: Seasonal Challenges
  • Unlocked Via: Seasonal Unit Challenges
  • Type: Cavalry - Special
  • Era: Heroic Era

Core Unit Statistics

Basic Attributes
Health 6,975 Strength (Units) 18
Leadership 215 Speed 7.00
Range 0 Ammo 0
Labour 1.73 Max Level 24
Combat Proficiency
Piercing AP 0 Piercing DMG 0 Piercing DEF 443
Slashing AP 0 Slashing DMG 0 Slashing DEF 533
Blunt AP 1,426 Blunt DMG 1,097 Blunt DEF 352
Terrain Effects
Desert Plains Hills Steppe Urban
Fair Great Bad Good Poor

Veterancy Paths:

Path 1

  • Thick Armour (2): Each level increases all defences by 2%.
  • Reflexes (3): Each level reduces ranged damage taken by 5%.
  • The Soldier's Life (3): Each level increases health by 3%.
  • Bloodbath (3): Each level increases slashing defence by 3%
  • Energise (3): Each level reduces Croupade's cooldown by 2 seconds.
  • Toughen Up (3): Each level increases piercing defense by 3%
  • The Soldiers Life (2): Each level increases Health by 3%
  • Nimble Steps (1): Increases Croupade's duration by 2 seconds.

Path 2

  • Thick Armour (2): Each level increases all defences by 2%.
  • Facehardened (3): Each level increases blunt armour penetration by 5%
  • Anti-Infantry (2): Each level increases damage dealt to infantry by 5%.
  • Butcher's Bill (3): Each level increases blunt damage by 2%.
  • The Soldier's Life (3): Each level increases health by 3%.
  • Anti-Infantry (2): Each level increases damage dealt to infantry by 5%.
  • Deep Impact (1): Using Quiick Charge increases damage by 15% for 8 seconds.

Unit Kit Crafting

Unit Kit Recipe

Sipahi's Kit
Fief Level Req.: 5
Cost: 100

5 Wrought Iron
3 Quality Fabric

3 Refined Copper
5 Boiled Leather

Eagle Range (NA) Crafting Locations:
Fief Region Fief Level Availability
Asterionopolis Anadolou 4 Fief Level Too Low
Herceg Vara Ungverija 1 Fief Level Too Low

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By: Foghladha of Gaiscioch | Last Update: September 24th, 2023