Fief Quests are the Fastest Way to Gain Honour


Fief Quests were revamped in season 10 changing the rewards and how they function. Stars no longer matter. What matters is the type of Fief Quest and the Goal you're trying to achieve. While they used to be exclusively beneficial to the house that owns the fief, now they have been revised to help you and your house regardless of who owns them.

  • In Service To The Realm - These quests offer your House and the Fief itself rewards in the form of House XP and Resources. Typically when upgrading fiefs, these are essential for progressing the fief to the next level or meeting upkeep requirements.
  • Make a Donation - These quests are focused on Player Advancement. Rewards will include Hero XP, Honour, and the occasional Gift along with a tiny amount of resources.
  • Development and Profits - These quests convert one thing into another thing and often are seen as a wasted or troll fief quest. I advise you to avoid these.

As fiefs level up they will also provide bonuses to the rewards the fief gives. The higher level of a fief the more rewards it bestows. In addition, the higher level a fief is the more weekly organic payout the owning house receives and it also allows you to craft better siege and unit kits. 

When trying to gain honour stick to the Make a Donation quests on the highest-level fiefs you can find. That will give you the most reward for your investment.

For a complete list of known fief quests, or an updated list of the best fief quests each week, see our Fief Quest section. Be sure to read our guide to building honour for additional reading on the topic.

Written By: Foghladha of Gaiscioch | Last Update:

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