Turn myth into legend in Conqueror’s Blade: Avalon, launching as a free update on December 14. Unlock Units inspired by the knights of Arthurian legend, take on quests in the new Seasonal Campaign, enjoy special events, and earn exclusive rewards via the Battle Pass.
Table of Contents:
Campaign Schedule
Start your expedition in the Borderlands or Maoyang, and compete in twice-weekly Territory Wars with your House to achieve victory and prepare for the final battle in all three capitals at the end of the Season.
Dec. 14th: Stage 1: Opening Moves
A new generation of noble warriors will rise on the field of battle.
- Sat, Dec 16 : Drill War - House Max Level: 2
- Tue, Dec 19: Battle #1 - House Max Level: 2
- Sat, Dec 23: Drill War - House Max Level: 3
Seasonal Seals:
- Deployable Units: 3.5 Stars and Belo
- Armour Set bonus: Sealed
- Crafted Equipment bonus: Sealed
- Auxillary Units: 3-Star and Below
- Auxiliary Points: 6
- Join 2 Territory Wars battles over towns, villages, and forts.
Reward: 20
Dec 25th: Stage 2: Eve of the Storm
Caos spreads as the ambitious expand their territories.
- Tue, Dec 26: Drill War - House Max Level: 4
- Sat, Dec 30: Drill War - House Max Level: 5
- Tue, Jan 2: Battle #2 - House Max Level: 5
- Sat, Jan 6: Battle #3 - House Max Level: 6
Seasonal Seals:
- Deployable Units: 4.5 Star and Below
- Armour Set bonus: Active
- Crafted Equipment bonus: Sealed
- Auxillary Units: 4-Star and Below
- Auxiliary Points: 6
- Join 2 Territory Wars battles over towns, villages, and forts.
Reward: 20
Jan. 8th: Stage 3: All is Chaos
The conqueror believes that everything under the hooves of their horse is theirs.
- Tue, Jan 9: Battle #4 - House Max Level: 6
- Sat, Jan 13: Battle #5- House Max Level: 7
- Tue, Jan 16: Battle #6- House Max Level: 7
- Sat, Jan 20: Battle #7 - House Max Level: 7
- Tue, Jan 23: Battle #8 - House Max Level: 8
- Sat, Jan 27: Battle #9 - House Max Level: 8
Seasonal Seals:
- Deployable Units: All Units
- Armour Set bonus: Active
- Crafted Equipment bonus: Active
- Auxillary Units: All Units
- Auxiliary Points: 6
- Join 3 Territory Wars battles over towns, villages, and forts.
Reward: 35
Jan 29: Stage 4: Usurp the Thrones
Through endless conflict, kings are born.
Capital Wars:
- Tue, Jan 30: Battle #10 - House Max Level: 8
- Sat, Feb 3: Battle #11 - House Max Level: 8
- Tue, Feb 6: Battle #12 - House Max Level: 8
- Sat, Feb 10: Battle #13 - House Max Level: 8
Seasonal Seals:
- Deployable Units: All Units
- Armour Set bonus: Active
- Crafted Equipment bonus: Active
- Auxillary Units: All Units
- Auxiliary Points: 6
- Join 3 Territory Wars battles over towns, villages, and forts.
Reward: 35
Feb 12: Stage 5: Imperial Dawn
A true conqueror is never satisfied. The true conqueror aspires to build an empire.
Capital Wars:
- Conqueror's City, The Borderlands (The Main Event)
- Anliang, Maoyang
- Augolia, Ostaria
- Tue, Feb 13: Battle #14 - House Max Level: 9
- Sat, Feb 17 : Battle #15 - House Max Level: 9
- Tue, Feb 20 : Battle #16 - House Max Level: 9
- Sat, Feb 24 : Battle #17 - House Max Level: 9
- Tue, Feb 27: Battle #18 - House Max Level: 9
- Sat, Mar 2: Battle #19 - House Max Level: 9
Seasonal Seals:
- Deployable Units: All Units
- Armour Set bonus: Active
- Crafted Equipment bonus: Active
- Auxillary Units: All Units
- Auxiliary Points: 6
- Join 3 Territory Wars battles over towns, villages, and forts.
Reward: 35
Seasonal Units
Caradoc's Cavalry (3-Star):
Caradoc Strongarm was the first knight of the Round Table from the reign of King Uther Pendragon to oppose Arthur's coronation and raised armies against Camelot accordingly. But Arthur was wise and persuasive, and the two were reconciled. Caradoc's Cavalry is skilled in both offense and defense, they are able to advance or withdraw as needed.
Perceval's Royal Guards (4-Star)
Perceval (or Peredur -- 'Steel Spear' in the language of his land) was brought to Camelot as a young lad and grew up to accept it as his home. Having proven his courage and thus raised to the Round Table, he was given responsibility for the safety of the castle, and thus control of the Royal Guard. Whenever an enemy comes in range, javelins will rain down upon them, defeating the enemy in a torrent of death. The Royal Guard are as loyal as wolves on a winter night, and as fearless as eagles in summer.
Queen's Knights (5-Star)
The 'Queen's Knights' is an unofficial faction in the court at Camelot, composed almost entirely of young knights who have yet to prove themselves worthy of the Round Table. Frequently left to their own devices, they compete for the attention of the court, in particular Queen Guinevere, going to ever-greater lengths to prove their bravery in the hopes of earning some token of her esteem. Though a breeding ground for the ceaseless boasting of young men, heroes such as Lancelot and Galahad began here, and when deployed in battle these young knights are every bit as brave as the knights of the Round Table they wish to someday join.
Seasonal Runes
Level 5 | |||
Name | Item | Power | Description |
Agger | Helm | 3 | Bandage healing improved 20%. |
Abens | Helm | 1 | Increases Toughness by 5 points. |
Weser | Bracers | 3 | Each time you kill 3 enemy soldiers your damage dealt increases by 8% for 15 seconds. |
Alf | Armour | 1 | Increases Armour by 5 points. |
Altmuhl | Bracers | 1 | Increases Strength by 5 points. |
Biela | Boots | 1 | Increases Agility by 5 points. |
Level 10 | |||
Name | Item | Power | Description |
Bohme | Poleaxe | 2 | Push Back cooldown is reduced by 1.5 seconds and damage dealt is increased by 10%. |
Brend | Glaive | 3 | After using God of Battles or Heat of Battle, damage taken is reduced by 15% for 10 seconds. Can stack up to 2 times. |
Chamb | Maul | 3 | While Up from Hel and Maelstrom skills are in effect, defence is increased by 6% for 6 seconds. Can be stacked up to 5 times. |
Fulda | Longsword & Shield | 3 | When your Health is above 70%, all damage dealt is increased by 100 points. |
Gera | Shortsword & Shield | 3 | When you Health is above 50%, all damage dealt is increased by 10%. When your health falls below 50%, all damage is reduced by 8%. |
Straggele | Spear | 3 | Increases all Defences by 40 points. |
Level 15 | |||
Name | Item | Power | Description |
Hamme | Pike | 3 | Green Dragon and Cold Dragon cooldowns are reduced by 5 seconds and damage dealt is reduced by 10%. |
Soul Blade | Nodachi | 3 | Each stack of Bloodlust increases movement speed by 5%. |
Acute Eye | Musket | 2 | Using Skirmisher increases movement speed by 15% for 5 seconds. |
Iller | Bow | 3 | Increases movement speed by 12% and increases damage taken by 8%. |
Corrosive Sting | Short Bow | 2 | Increases the bleed damage of attacking a marked target by 180%, but shortens its duration by 50%. |
Innerste | Dual Blade | 3 | Each time you kill or assist in killing an enemy hero, 15% of your Health is restored. |
Level 20 | |||
Name | Item | Power | Description |
Aland | Helm | 2 | When at an allied Supply Point, restores 2% Health every second. |
Aller | Armour | 3 | While on a Capture Point, your damage taken decreases by 8%. |
Alz | Bracers | 2 | While on a Capture Point, your Stamina recovery increases by 35%. |
Berkel | Boots | 3 | While on a Capture Point, you damage dealt increases 8%. |
Alsenz | Armour | 2 | Reduce fall damage by 60% |
Aue | Boots | 3 | Bandage can be used while moving. Cooldown increases by 10 seconds. |
Level 25 | |||
Name | Item | Power | Description |
Corroded Edge | Chain Dart & Scimitar | 3 | Increases damage against heroes and units being healed by 15%. |
Cracked Scales | Chain Dart & Scimitar | 3 | Scorpion's Snare's Slashing Defence reduction is increased from 5% to 6.6%, and duration is increased by 1 second. When the Bloodletting skill node is unlocked, Slashing Defence reduction is increased from 30% to 40%. |
Isar | Dual Blades | 3 | Killing a hero increases your slashing damage by 4%, stacking up to 5 times. The stack is zeroed on your death. |
Ready Ammo | Musket | 3 | Using 1 normal attack reduces the cooldown of Fine Gunpowder by 2 seconds. |
Inn | Short Bow | 3 | Increases armour penetration by 7-5%. The cooldown times of Stunning Shot, Steel-tipped Arrow, Poison Arrow, and Parting Shot are reduced by 12%. |
Ilm | Bow | 2 | Increases damage dealt against soldiers by 10%. |
Level 30 | |||
Name | Item | Power | Description |
Glan | Shortsword & Shield | 3 | Each time you kill or assist killing a hero, the damage dealt by nearby allies is increased by 10% while their damage taken is decreased by 10% for 12 seconds. |
Rhine | Longsword & Shield | 2 | Restores 70 health every second. When your health is below 50%, health is restored twice as quickly. |
Fils | Maul | 2 | Each time you kill an enemy hero, you recover 2 Stamina. |
Blade Aura | Nodachi | 2 | 30% of the health gained from Life Drain is converted into damage and dealt against your enemy. |
Grobe | Spear | 3 | Reduces all skill cooldowns by 10%, with the exception of Ultimate skills. |
Hase | Pike | 3 | After using Cold Dragon or Green Dragon, armour penetration is increased by 12% for 4 seconds. |
Level 35 | |||
Name | Item | Power | Description |
Acher | Helmet | 3 | Bandage duration is reduced by 40% and its cooldown is reduced by 50%. |
Ahr | Helmet | 2 | Increases Max Health by 3%. After death, nearby allies will recover 10% Health. |
Alme | Armour | 3 | Reduces damage taken by 3%. After death, nearby allies will take 10% less damage for 10 seconds. |
Ammer | Bracers | 2 | Each time you kill an enemy hero, your damage dealt increases by 10% for 10 seconds. |
Amper | Bracers | 2 | Increases damage dealt by 3%. After death, nearby allies will deal 10% more damage for 10 seconds. |
Bever | Boots | 2 | Movement speed is increased by 4%. Upon death nearby allies gain 8% movement speed for 10 seconds. |
Level 40 | |||
Name | Item | Power | Description |
Fuhse | Longsword & Shield | 3 | When using Mercy of Heaven and Knightly Vows, nearby allies will take 6% less damage for 8 seconds. |
Freiberger | Maul | 3 | Dodge distance is increase by 20%. |
Brenz | Glaive | 3 | When using normal attacks, armour penetration is increased by 10%, and damage dealt is increased by 15%. |
Breg | Poleaxe | 3 | Upon entering battle, your maximum health is gradually increased over 300 seconds, for a maximum of 3,000 points. resets after death. |
Breitach | Poleaxe | 3 | If your health fall below 50%, you damage output increases by 14%. |
Brigach | Glaive | 2 | Reduces damage taken from rear attacks and headshots by 15%. |
Level 45 | |||
Name | Item | Power | Description |
Poison Wound | Short Bow | 3 | Increases target mark stack limit by +1. |
Alster | Armour | 1 | After using Bandage, you will be immune to bleeding and poison for 10 seconds. |
Gose | Shortsword & Shield | 3 | For every 400 points that Max Health is increased by, all damage values increase by 0.3%. |
Biber | Boots | 2 | If your health falls below 40%, your movement speed increases by 8%. |
Bille | Armour | 2 | Increases Max Health by 300 points and all Defences by 10 points. |
Werre | Chain Dart & Scimitar | 3 | Leap and Slashes's dodge distance increases by 50%. |
Level 50 | |||
Name | Item | Power | Description |
Wesenitz | Dual Blade | 2 | Upon turning invisible, your Critical Value is increased by a large amount every 3 seconds. The higher the base Critical Value, the higher the multiplier. This effect will gradually diminish in strength once you become visible again. This can also be triggered by using Bo-Shruikens or Great Thunderbolt. |
Turst | Spear | 2 | Mounted attacks deal 10% more damage. |
Haune | Pike | 2 | After dodging, movement speed is increased by 20%. This effect rapidly diminishes afterward. |
Supreme Blade | Nodachi | 3 | Every time you kill or assist 1 hero or 3 soldiers, the cooldown of Tigeris Claw is reduced by 1 second. |
Ihme | Musket | 3 | The throwing range of Blackpowder Grenade and Liquid Fire is increased by 15%. |
Ilmenau | Bow | 3 | Normal attacks deal 20% more damage, but headshot damage is reduced by 50%. |
Fame Store
- 0 Fame: Artificer's Stone (10) - 2,000
- 60 Fame: 10-Battle Hero XP Card (3) - 1,500
- 1,000 Fame: Powdered Silver (50) - 1,000
- 1,000 Fame: Sirocco (1) - 10,000
- 2,000 Fame: Brigand's Armor (1) - 10,000
- 2,000 Fame: Sentinel's Armor (1) - 10,000
- 2,000 Fame: House Trooper Armor (1) - 10,000
- 2,000 Fame: Artificer's Stone (10) - 5,000
- 3,000 Fame: Unit Medal (100) - 2,000
- 4,000 Fame: Artificer's Stone (10) - 5,000
- 5,000 Fame: Lotus Water (5) - 5,000
- 6,000 Fame: Artificer's Stone (10) - 5,000
- 6,500 Fame: Rare Doctrine Selection Box (1) - 5,000
- 8,000 Fame: Rare Weapon Schematic (2) - 10,000
- 8,000 Fame: Rare Armour Schematic (4) - 10,000
- 9,000 Fame: Lotus Water (5) - 5,000
- 9,500 Fame: Treatise (5) - 10,000
- 9,500 Fame: Artificer's Stone (15) - 5,000
- 12,000 Fame: Epic Armour Schematic Crate (1) - 60,000
- 12,000 Fame: Epic Doctrine Selection (1) - 10,000
- 15,000 Fame: Pure Wisdom (1) - 10,000
- 17,000 Fame: Legendary Artillery Selection Box (1) - 40,000
- 19,000 Fame: Treatise (5) - 10,000
- 21,000 Fame: Epic Armour Schematic Crate (1) - 60,000
- 23,000 Fame: Spirit of Camelot Attire (1) - 100,000
- 25,000 Fame: Title: Blessed Sage (1) - 100,000
Quality of Life Improvements
Coming Soon
Battle Pass
The Avalon Battle Pass is now available to preorder in-game! Take on Seasonal Challenges to collect Glory and unlock Premium rewards throughout the new Season, and grab goodies from the Free Pass.
Cosmetics inspired by Arthurian legend are yours to unlock via the Avalon Battle Pass. Fight with honour to draw Blades and exchange them in the Seasonal Store for special items from previous Seasons.
You can earn rewards fit for a knight of the Round Table with the Free Pass, or obtain even more gallant gifts by unlocking the Premium Track with the Avalon Battle Pass.
Here are a few of the highlights waiting to be unlocked in Avalon:
- Siege Perilous Hero Attire (Instant Premium Unlock): Adorn your Hero with the finest regalia in the kingdom.
- Knights of the Stone Unit Attire: Armour fit for only the realm’s most gallant soldiers.
- Steed of Avalon Mount Set: Gallop into battle atop a mighty steed.
- Knight of Avalon Hero Attire (Tier 100): The ultimate armour for a Knight of the Round Table.
Unlock Blades from the Battle Pass to exchange in the Seasonal Store for special cosmetic items, including Antique variants of Battle Pass Attire from Seasons of yore!